After decommissioning several servers from our datacenter and removing their configurations in Nagios, I still seem to be receiving passive check results for them. These systems have been powered down for awhile and I don’t see any way their agents could still be submitting results for them. Are there any artifacts I should look for in my configuration that could cause this?
[1263317226] Warning: Passive check result was received for service 'JBoss HOAvailable' on host 'casan7', but the host could not be found! [1263317226] Warning: Passive check result was received for service 'JBoss State 1099' on host 'casan8', but the host could not be found! [1263317226] Warning: Passive check result was received for service 'JBoss QueueDepth 1099' on host 'casan8', but the host could not be found!Thanks in advance,