I wanted to know what are the popular agents/clients for windows server 2003 32 bit. (with/without sp1)
I found 2 clients so far:
Windows monitoring agent for nagios. performas both Passive and active checks, as well as WMI checks, and external script running.
Full local or remote configuration. Uses Net Framework 2.0
NSClient++ is a windows service that allows performance metrics to be gathered by Nagios (and possibly other monitoring tools).
It is an attempt to create a NSClient and NRPE compatible but yet extendable performance service for windows.
What would you recommend to use with Windows Server 2003?
Btw, I found the following thread regarding 64 bit:
meulie.net/portal_plugins/fo … 11747.post
Thanks in advance,
"Security, however, is an art, not a science." - RFC 3631