I have a custom timeperiod set up that should in essence run from 3 a.m. to midnight every day. The definition looks like this:
define timeperiod{
timeperiod_name foo_finished
alias Foo should be done by now
monday 03:00-23:59
tuesday 03:00-23:59
wednesday 03:00-23:59
thursday 03:00-23:59
friday 03:00-23:59
saturday 03:00-23:59
sunday 03:00-23:59
There are four monitors that use this or similar for the check_period. I enabled this on Friday, and all was well except that one of the four was flapping due to my testing the monitor. It correctly stopped monitoring when it should. However, it never resumed monitoring the next day, and the monitors were marked as having no Next Scheduled Check. I restarted Nagios this morning, and now the Next Scheduled Check is Next Scheduled Check: 05-30-2010 03:09:28.
I’ve read all of the caveats around custom timeperiods and notifications, and I’m comfortable with them. I’d like the monitors to actually run when I ask them to, though.
Have I likely done something wrong, or is Nagios just confused? Is there a way to unconfuse it?