Problems loading bigger.cfg file


I’m new to setting up nagios. Having problem getting it to run. I configure the bigger.cfg with the right ip and hostname but getting error trying to load.

Reading configuration data…

Error in configuration file ‘/etc/nagios/bigger.cfg’ - Line 19 (NULL value)

which is

‘24x7’ timeperiod definition

define timeperiod{
timeperiod_name 24x7
alias 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
sunday 00:00-24:00
monday 00:00-24:00
tuesday 00:00-24:00
wednesday 00:00-24:00
thursday 00:00-24:00
friday 00:00-24:00
saturday 00:00-24:00
Can someone please help. Let me know if you need copy of my bigger.cfg because nothing special shows just private ip on my network

what is in lines 17 through 20 of the bigger.cfg file?


Are ytou missing the closing bracket? “}”

‘24x7’ timeperiod definition

define timeperiod{
timeperiod_name 24x7
alias 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
sunday 00:00-24:00
monday 00:00-24:00
tuesday 00:00-24:00
wednesday 00:00-24:00
thursday 00:00-24:00
friday 00:00-24:00
saturday 00:00-24:00