i don’t even know where to start with this.
i manage a server room full of machines that do work (a farm, if you will). sometimes they don’t have work to do, i have written a service that centrally manages putting the machines to sleep when they don’t have work to do and wakes them up (wol) when there is work to be done. so far, so good.
i am runing nagios 2.x and need a way to tell nagios not to panic when these machines are down on account of the service. of coarse i can tell it not to panic at all when these machines go down, but i am not fond of that option. i can write something in to all of my checks so that they lie when the machine is down (checks a list of down-ed machines), still not a fan, but getting warmer. the ideal for me would be to simply schedule and un-schedule downtime for machines from here until eternity, and that way if a machine didn’t wake up when it was told to, that would show up in nagios.
how on earth can i do this? i would search documentation/forums more throughally, but i can’t think of the words to suitably even begin.