I’m running Nagios v2.9 on a linux (2.4 kernel) and running into the following situation:
(I have searched the forum and googled this, and only found others with the same problem. No solutions.)
The following servicedependency ‘should’ be functional based on the Template tricks doc.
When I verify the configuration changes, I get the following error:
Error: NULL service description/host name in service dependency definition
Error: Could not register service notification dependency (config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/dependencies.cfg', starting on line 100)
Any input as to my mistake(s) would be most appreciated. Even if you tell me that this is fixed in 3.x…
If this configuration was to make real sense, I wouldn’t have to define the dependent_host_name list as the membership in proxy-2000 should be sufficient.
I’m not exactly sure what you are asking. I posted my servicedependency and the important section of my service config is as follows:
define service{
use generic-service
host_name master
service_description PORT2000
I based my config on the following entry from the Template tricks doc linked in my earlier message and quoted below:
that shows others with the same problem (and no solutions that I can see).
(working in the dependencies.cfg)
If I comment the host_name, I get the following:
Error: Could not expand master hostgroups and/or hosts specified in service dependency...
If I comment the service_description (or leave it uncommented) I get:
Error: NULL service description/host name in service dependency definition
Error: Could not register service notification dependency
It looks to me as if nagios is expecting a primary service group for every dependent one.
I’ve also tried the following (from the template tricks which really looks like it expects one primary for each dependent) to no avail:
[quote]All Services In Multiple Servicegroups: If you want to create service dependencies for all services that belong in one or more servicegroups, you can do use the servicegroup_name and/or dependent_servicegroup_name directive as follows:
A-ha, think I have found where the problem is. You can’t make one service dependent on several hosts and a servicegroup (as it isn’t said anywhere in template tricks). For a servicegroup to be defined as dependent you can only make it depend on the other servicegroup (again, as said in template tricks). The possible solutions are that you make dependency for each of your proxy-xxx hosts, for your example you could do something like this: