Hi nagios experts.
I would like to know how can i go about this problem.
I’m pretty sure that my contacts.cfg, commands.cfg, host.cfg are fine…
I have already check the nagios user for permission issues. I tried to send sms using nagios user and it was all working.
my problem is this. I can’t receive nagios sms alert.
[1271233929] HOST ALERT: NOC_REPORTS;DOWN;HARD;1;CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (
[1271233929] HOST NOTIFICATION: admin; REPORT;DOWN;notify-host-by-sms;CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (192.168.XXX.XXX)
[1271233990] Warning: Contact ‘wel’ host notification command ‘/usr/bin/printf "NAGIOS ALERT PROBLEM : Host REPORTS is DOWN as of " | /usr/bin/gnokii --sendsms 09179029084’** timed out after 60 seconds**
timed out after 60 seconds? i already change notification_timeout in nagios.cfg to much higher value but still i’m having that warning message.
can anyone help me please?