Status Map Lack of Colour


I’m quite new to Nagios and after setting up a stack of hosts and services and successfully being able to monitor then I have found that the Status Map is now only showing in what looks like 8-bit colour. I’ve made sure that all of the images being used are PNG files rather than GIF’s but it’s still the same. If I exclude a particular host group the colour depth seems to increase but changing the icons of that host group to the same as those still visable doesn’t fix the problem when all hosts are shown.

Any ideas on how I can fix this to increase the colour depth?


check you are using the gd2 libs


I had a look at my Nagios server and it has the libgd2 package installed but I can’t find anywhere in Nagios to get it to use that library. I’ve also changed the images over to the ‘.gd2’ images in the configs but that didn’t change the maps colour depth either. It only stopped the icons appearing the in the Host Summary pages.

Anything else I can try?


did you install an RPM package or from source?
if you installed from source you may check the output of the ./configure step…