Error: Command ‘check-host-alive’ has already been defined
Error: Could not register command (config file ‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/minimal.cfg’, starting on line 76)
‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/minimal.cfg’ is like a all in one config file. It will contain many of the definitions that you normally would see in seperate files like hosts.cfg services.cfg etc.
So, just use the one file but as your error states, you have a check_command defined more than once, so just remove that definition.
If ‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/minimal.cfg’ is like a all in one config file:
can i just have minimal.cfg in /etc dir ?
can i just remove minimal.cfg and have all config separately in each file ? in this case… where can i get hosts.cfg, contacts.cfg, and sure other files left? I remember nagios1 had a lot of config files like these (i just remember hosts and contacts)… what are the complete official list of 'em ?
you ned to create them
1 or 2 is better depending on how you want to organize your files… you just tel nagios which files to read… (i seem to remember in nagios.cfg can’t check now)
no, there can’t be. how could the install know what services and hosts to define?
you can define files with any possible name just add them to nagios.cfg so they get read at startup. check the minimal.cfg to see how they are done (and in the docs under host and service definition) and start working out your hosts and services… initially it’s better if you just create one host with one service.
You could download nagios v1.2 and get the files from there, or even install v1.2 since it’s not beta and won’t have the problems you describe. If you have other nagios beta problems, it might be quicker to post in the beta testers group/forum/wherever.
oh and by the way you do have the files already…
The sample files you talk about in your first message.
so i don’t really see the problem… files sent by somebody else wouldn’t work as the sample files don’t…