Hello there,
I would like to know how to uninstall Nagios from my system.
I installed it at first from an RPM (I wish I could doubt about it before), and now there is no way to make Nagios work.
Meaning, the prog will always try to find the configs in /etc/nagios (just like the RPM places them). The RPMs do not work for the web(and they do not say this anywhere at the download page, THANKS)… so I had to try to install from the source. It was installed, everything working right, just until I tried to start it and it said it could not read from /etc/lalalala.
I am so dissapointed with this crap. I hope one of you can help me out, as I want to clean the system from this, and forget it exists
Though it is a nice system, the author is right about it when he says that for most people Nagios is not worth the time we spend on the config.
Thanks in advance, guys.