Ways to Alert & Actions afterwards

Hi, I"ve been searching on google and trying to figure a good way to send alerts if an exchange server is down.

So far i’ve learned that Nagios can do:
SMS / Send msg via AIM / Jabber / Yahoo and email of course.
I may be missing something in that list.

They say to try “YAPS”, but I do not have the requirements for that kind of SMS systems.

I did notice a nice way to message via cell phone on:

But you have to fill out this the fields and send to send out your alert.
When you hit sumbit, it goes through a ‘process.php’.

I"m wondering if anybody knew the package they are using?
Or the code ?

If not, I’m wondering simply if Nagios can browse or call a webiste?
www.company.com/alert.aspx” or something.

Basicly, i’m looking for a simple solution :
IF exchange server services are down -> Then -> go open a browser and browse to our company’s external webserver.

(On which a web-service written in .NET will listen for a call and then notify us)

Next thing is, I’m wondering if a service failes on NT, then can it call a .bat (batch file) to execute on the server? (On which i can script what actions to do in the batch file) ? ?

Thanks in advance…


About the NT service failing, yes, that is called an event handler.
nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/2_0/ … dlers.html
About the exchange and web page. That shouldn’t be to hard to write up something. Instead of nagios using the default notify-by-email command that is defined in misccommands.cfg, you would simply write something up to perform the action you want it to perform. Instead of opening up a gui type browser, you might want to try lynx instead.

My suggestion for sending to cell phones without an SMS gateway applies only to U.S. phones/carriers.

I know that at least 3 major carriers (Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon) assign an e-mail address to every cellphone number. For example, on the Cingular network, it looks like this:


An e-mail sent to that address would arrive on the cell phone in the form of a text message.

However, when I tested with my Cingular phone, I found that running the print command and piping the output to the mail command (which is the default way through which Nagios sends e-mail notifications) does not work with this method. I had to use a straight mail command. I ran that test on Fedora Core 4. Maybe it’ll work different with other distros.

Jakkedup -> thanks for that link. This will help a lot.

SonOfThunder -> Yeap, I was aware of T-MObile’s method.
I think it’s something like Number # momail.net or something like that. I have sprint but i’m not aware of thier messaging system. All of us at my work have different phone carreirs lol. So that’s why I thought using that sprintusers.com would of worked out. The reason i shot for that idea is cus one of the programmers already built a automated web-service that goes out and “returns” parts for us. (automated RMA) lol.

But you’re right, using the cell number @ xxxxx.xxx would work in a simplier way.

But what you did probably requires a SMTP service to run on your box? (and confgured port on the firewall) ?

THe other thing I was thinking was:
(Since the other guy at my work already wrote that code for “automated RMA” that looks up the data via SQL2000 Server).

Since I installed and configured nagios with MySQL.

Well why not use that same method and look at the event database? And “take” action if it sees the right error pop up in the database.

Appreciate the help,