
I think I need help here…

On my linux machine, the /var/log/messages shows a lot of activity with xinetd.

May  5 15:32:32 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21177 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:32:32 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21177 duration=0(sec)
May  5 15:32:57 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21182 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:32:57 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21182 duration=0(sec)
May  5 15:33:08 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21188 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:33:08 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21188 duration=0(sec)
May  5 15:33:17 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21191 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:33:17 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21191 duration=0(sec)
May  5 15:33:20 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21194 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:33:20 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21194 duration=0(sec)
May  5 15:33:32 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: START: nrpe pid=21197 from='nagios-srv-ip'
May  5 15:33:32 'linuxhost' xinetd[21016]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=21197 duration=0(sec)

Is this normal?

On my nagios server - nagios.cfg, I have [code]# STATUS FILE UPDATE INTERVAL

This option determines the frequency (in seconds) that

Nagios will periodically dump program, host, and

service status data.


Shouldn’t it check every 5 minutes? On the client, it shows the xinetd is starting and exiting every 2-3 seconds. What gives?

If you are trying to use NSCLient dfrop NRPE in the meanwhile, or you’ll never know what works and what doesn’t :slight_smile:

Actually, this is concerning a log on one of my Linux server - ‘/var/log/messages’. The Linux client is logging multiple messages about xinetd starting and exiting every few seconds.

Is this normal? If so, how much resource is this using up - memory, cpu?


Hi… any thoughts as to why xinetd is constantly running every other minute on a client machine?

Jun  7 09:56:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=31985 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:56:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=31985 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=31992 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=31992 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=31995 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=31998 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=31995 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=31998 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=32001 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:57:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=32001 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=32008 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=32009 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=32012 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=32008 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=32009 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=32012 duration=0(sec)
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: START: nrpe pid=32017 from='nagios-srv-ip'
Jun  7 09:58:03 'servername' xinetd[7589]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=32017 duration=0(sec)

as the log says it looks like a request is mader from nagios-srv-ip on the nrpe port…

But, where do I make that change? Is it on the nagios.cfg file? Is it an external command - command_check_interval=5?

Or, is it status file update interval - status_update_interval=300?

what services are you checking on that host, and how often? do the checks work.

What’s the problem you see in that log?

Here’s what I’m checking on each Linux OS’s.

define service{
        use                             basic-service
        host_name                       client2
        service_description             Swap use
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_swap

define service{
        use                             basic-service
        host_name                       client2
        service_description             CPU Load
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_load

define service{
        use                             basic-service
        host_name                       client2
        service_description             VolGroup00-LogVol00
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_volgrp00_logvol00

define service{
        use                             basic-service
        host_name                       client2
        service_description             VolGroup01-LogVol00
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_volgrp01_logvol00

And, this is the /var/log/messages on client2

Jun  9 14:52:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2140 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:52:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2140 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:53:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2143 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:53:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2143 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:53:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2162 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:53:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2162 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:53:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2165 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:53:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2165 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:53:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2184 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:53:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2184 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:54:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2189 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:54:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2189 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:54:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2207 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:54:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2207 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:54:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2210 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:54:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2210 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:54:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2228 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:54:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2228 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:55:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2231 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:55:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2231 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:55:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2252 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:55:32 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2252 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:55:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2255 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:55:44 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2255 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:55:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2273 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:55:56 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2273 duration=0(sec)
Jun  9 14:56:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: START: nrpe pid=2277 from=nag_srv_ip
Jun  9 14:56:09 client2 xinetd[4273]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=2277 duration=0(sec)

As you can see from the sample log, it’s running/checking every minute. How do I prevent this from happening - well at least not run every minute. More like every 5 minutes. As far as I can tell, it’s running normally.