CDROM on qemu-kvm

Excuse my bad English.
I have installed a CentOS server 7 and install qemu-kvm is the official package of virtualization.
My problem is that when creating a virtual machine does not recognize the device CDROM.
Show only create from ISO and cdrom option is disabled.
Some help for this??

Maby i need to show more information.

  • My server is a IBM Systema x3650 M4. (2 CPU/64 Gb RAM/ 5 HDD - 1Tb b/o)
  • My CentOS 7 work very fine whit the CDROM, the fact i install CentOS whit the CDROM device.
  • I probe mount and unmount the CDROM but the qemu-kvm disabled the device CDROM. And showme in spanich this information: “La pasarela al CDROM físico no está soportada con este hipervisor” in englis "The gateway to the physical CDROM is not supported with this hypervisor"
    How can enabled my CDROM on the hypervisor??

Hi David,

Which application to you use to create the .XML config file for your virtual machines? Not all of them may support adding the CD-ROM (as seems to be in your situation).

You could try a manual edit of the .XML. Add something along the lines of

<disk type='block' device='cdrom'>
  <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
  <source dev='/dev/cdrom'/>
  <target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/>

Does that help?

Which application to you use to create the .XML config file for your virtual machines?

Well i use de the Virtual Machine Manager on CentOS 7 (virt-manager) for create, modify, and manager my virtual machines. But i dont know if this app create the XML file.

You could try a manual edit of the .XML. Add something along the lines of

I see, but where create this file?

Create the client-config via virt-manager. This should generate a .XML, which most likely ends up in


Use my example to modify the relevant .XML.