3-D Status Map Link

When I click on this link it gives me a download window to download statuswrl.cgi

Have I missed out something? :?

Yup - you need to download a vrml viewer.like this

I have the same problem and I have the cortona browser installed and working fine on IE. I still get the download window…

OK, I just now tried the same thing, and it wanted to save, so yea, I didn’t have a 3d browser plugin installed. I went to parallelgraphics.com/products/cortona/ and installed the 3d client. I then saw there spinning cude on there website. Did you see it? I then tried nagios again, and it works. So, perhaps you didn’t see the spinning cube on the site?

Yep, I saw the blue spinning cube. I can go to other VRML sites and it works just fine with those, but no change on Nagios. Confusing…

I think I found the problem but I don’t understand the reason. I installed Nagios on another server without using SSL and port 80 and it works fine. The site I am working on uses SSL on a non-standard port. It works for everything except VRML. The question is, what does SSL have to do with it…

The VRML client only seems to work for Windows. Is there an option for linux (Mozilla/Firefox?)