Hi all!
I’m having some trouble with the 3-D Status Map on my work station. When I select this option I see (part of) the status map for less than a second, and then it’s gone…
How do I get this map to show correctly? Under ‘about:Plugins’ I have the following:
File name: npfreewrl.so
V3.1 VRML/X3D with FreeWRL. from http://www.crc.ca/FreeWRL
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
x-world/x-vrml FreeWRL VRML Browser wrl Yes
model/vrml FreeWRL VRML Browser wrl Yes
model/x3d+vrml FreeWRL VRML Browser x3dv Yes
model/x3d+xml FreeWRL X3D Browser x3d Yes
model/x3d+vrml FreeWRL X3D Browser x3dv Yes
model/x3d+binary FreeWRL X3D Browser x3db Yes