Using Nagios 2.11:
I have a service definition with:
notification_interval 30
notification_period 24x7
notification_options c,r
contact_groups admin_pager_&_email
There’s also a set of escalation definitions in place which, starting on the 2nd notification, notifies progressively higher levels of managers.
In addition to what’s in place now, I need to find a way to send Warning notifications, but with the following limitations:
- Any changes or additions can’t interfere with the current notification scheme,
- The Warning notifications should only be sent to me, and only in email (via second contact & contact_group definitions), and
- Each Warning notification should only be sent once.
Would an escalation definition with the following options be allowable, and produce the desired effect?
escalation_options w
first_notification 1
last_notification 1
notification_interval 0
contact_groups admin_email_only
Two main things I’m not sure about are:
- Can you have an escalation for a Warning if a Warning isn’t included in the underlying service definition?
- Will the combination of “first_notification 1” and “notification_interval 0” might it have the unintended side effect of canceling out the existing Critical & Recovery escalations - or even the original notifications defined by the service escalation? (I’ve read the whole document, but I’m still not sure, and it’s a live server, so experimenting to see what will happen wouldn’t be my safest option.)
Would what I described work as is, need some minor modification, or is there a completely different way to do it (preferably without making a whole second set of service checks)?
Thanks for taking the time to read,