Adding acknowledgment line in alert emails


Alert email not reporting


Sure… Alter your service notification commands, and add an href that points to something like:

nagios/nagios/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?cm … RVICEDESC$

This works as long as your service name contains no spaces… otherwise you have to replace the spaces with + signs

This almost works, but i have a problem because when i click on the URL in the alert, there is a space between the alert type Disk and the partition alerting and you cant connect. How do you eliminate the space?

URL: nagiosurl/nagios/cgi-bin/extinf … rvice=Disk: /home

I need it to look like:

URL: nagiosurl/nagios/cgi-bin/extinf … Disk:/home

I didn’t quite understood what are you trying to accomplish… Anyhow
Why don’t you just avoid space chracters? You could replace space characters in service descriptio with underscores,