Agentless monitoring for Windows

Hello Everyone

I have a Jumpbox with Nagios Core 3.3.1 and would like to use it to monitor my Windows servers but I want to use the WMI agentless plugins.

So far I have tried to use this site but my Nagios box gives an error message and I would like to know if there is a way to get the WMI agentless plugin working for Nagios?

If so can someone please help me by pointing me to a website or document that can give me step by step instructions on how to do this?

Thanks for your help

Just an update on my previous post

I found a site with a step by step guide on how to install wmi on Ubuntu. … -on-ubuntu

However I have a problem when I try to do a make. The error I get is

monitor@monitor~/wmi-1.3.16$ sudo make

Checking prequisites for building WMI

@if “directory” = “directory” ]; then if ! -d “” ];then echo “ZENHOME” | awk ‘{printf(“Missing: %-20s\n”,$1)}’; exit 1 ; else echo "“ZENHOME” " | awk ‘{printf(“Found: %-20s %20s\n”,$1,$2)}’ 1>/dev/null; fi ; fi

Missing: PYTHON /usr/bin/python
make: *** [build-prereqs] Error 1

When I check the /usr/bin directory it contains a python link which points to python2.6 I have updated line 22 as per the documentation with /usr/bin/python but the persists. Can someone please help me on how to fix this?