Allow readonly access to status map and servicedetails?

Hi all,

i have a working nagios 2.4 server.

now, i’m going away for few weeks and need to allow people that work with me to see the status map and service details…

how could i do it in read only of course ?



Give them the url of your nagios server? Is this a trick question? hehe.
Anyway, it sounds like you might have authentication setup. So, follow the docs on setting up users.
and please dont skip any reading in that least url. I just know you are going to miss this, so I’ll put it here now:
Authenticated contacts* are granted the following permissions for each service for which they are contacts (but not for services for which they are not contacts)…

* Authorization to view service status information
* Authorization to view service configuration information
* Authorization to view history and notifications for the service
* Authorization to issue service commands 

Authenticated contacts* are granted the following permissions for each host for which they are contacts (but not for hosts for which they are not contacts)…

* Authorization to view host status information
* Authorization to view host configuration information
* Authorization to view history and notifications for the host
* Authorization to issue host commands
* Authorization to view status information for all services on the host
* Authorization to view configuration information for all services on the host
* Authorization to view history and notification information for all services on the host
* Authorization to issue commands for all services on the host 

It is important to note that by default no one is authorized for the following…

* Viewing the raw log file via the showlog CGI
* Viewing Nagios process information via the extended information CGI
* Issuing Nagios process commands via the command CGI
* Viewing host group, contact, contact group, time period, and command definitions via the configuration CGI 

You will undoubtably want to access this information, so you’ll have to assign additional rights for yourself (and possibly other users) as described below…