Beacon interval value in wireshark

  1. I am curious how Wireshark interprets the hexadecimal values for beacon intervals.
    For example, the beacon interval is interpreted in a packet as:
    Beacon Interval: 0.1024 [Seconds]

For this value the hexadecimal value listed is:
64 00
which I assume means = 0x0064 = 100 = 100 ms = 0.100 seconds

Why does the software list 0.1024 seconds when the hexadecimal value implies it to be 0.1000 seconds? Is there some kind of a conversion where 1 unit = 1.024ms? I am having difficulty finding documentation on this.

Target Beacon Transmission Time Time (TBTT) and beacon interval

Target Beacon Transmission Time Time (TBTT) is the time at which a node (AP or station when in Ad-hoc) must send a beacon. The time difference between two TBTTs is known as the beacon interval. The beacon interval is given in Time Units (TU), each TU represents 1024 microseconds. The beacon interval is typically set to 100 TUs (102400 microseconds, or 102.4 ms) and its length is two bytes.