Hi Everyone,
I have installed nagvis on Ubuntu following docs.nagvis.org/1.3/en_US/instal … tions.html. I cannot access Nagvis via web browser. I am totally confused as to which path to configure in “nagvis.ini.php” as
(i) My nagvis.ini.php is found under /usr/local/nagios/share/nagvis-1.4.2/etc.
(ii) I have both nagios and nagios3 files. My nagios3 configuration files are located in /etc/nagios3/.
Can anyone help about the path to define in “base”, “htmlbase” and htmlcgi below?
; Path definitions
; absolute physical NagVis path
; absolute html NagVis path
; absolute html NagVis cgi path
Btw, I can access nagios in localhost/nagios3.
Salim Hoolash.