I installed from source using the Quick Start Installation Guide.
The installation went without incident.
Tested using: /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
The result is no errors, no warnings.
When I attempt to start the daemon using /etc/init.d/nagios start, nothing happens. ps -ef | grep nagios gets only one response, that for the grep.
I’ve also attempted to start the daemon with /etc/init.d/nagios start. Same result.
The browser opens and the front page is displayed, but when I double click on hosts or services I get this error message:
Error: Could not read host and service status information!
The most common cause of this error message (especially for new users), is the fact that Nagios is not actually running. If Nagios is indeed not running, this is a normal error message. It simply indicates that the CGIs could not obtain the current status of hosts and services that are being monitored. If you’ve just installed things, make sure you read the documentation on starting Nagios.
Some other things you should check in order to resolve this error include:
- Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data errors.
- Always verify configuration options using the -v command-line option before starting or restarting Nagios!
Make sure you read the documentation on installing, configuring and running Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at nagios.org.
I’ve read the documentation and find no mention of this behavior.
I’ve rebooted and attempted to restart the daemons multiple times. I’ve had this same behavior on two different Ubuntu 10.04.1 machines.
Over the weekend I built an entirely new Ubuntu 10.04.1 machine, installed Nagios 3.2.0 and it ran perfectly.