after finding how to disable services check when host is down (thx to Strides). I would like to manually change services states of a host when the host going down or unreachable.
Example :
If Host A is DOWN, services check of this host is disabled and each services of host A change state to UNKNOWN. Then, when host A change state to UP, services check are enabled and services states are changed to OK.
I have check external command, it seems that there is no command to change state and I don’t have access on services macro when passing trough host event handler.
If you can find the macro to do that, please let us know what it is
I ended up resorting to using a “wget” statement to get me a list of services for a particular host by grepping and sedding them out of the host’s status.cgi webpage, maybe you can make use of it too…
well if your php interface doesn’t give you a similar view of the status of all services running on a host then that is certainly a show stopper. Another way you could do it would be to script something that would parse status.dat and pull out the services relating to the appropriate host in the “servicestatus {” segments… I tried to do something similar with variable success but finally gave up once I worked out how to wget the same thing in a one-liner…