check_disk: Warning threshold must be integer or percentage!

I have passed the threshold in both integer and as percentages. Still no usable info returned by plugin. All i get is " check_disk: Warning threshold must be integer or percentage! "

define service{
use generic-service ; Name of service template to use
hostgroup_name viweb
service_description Disk usage test
is_volatile 0
check_period 24x7
max_check_attempts 4
normal_check_interval 5
retry_check_interval 1
contact_groups admins
notification_options w,u,c,r
notification_interval 960
notification_period 24x7
check_command check_nrpe!check_disk!20%!10%!/usr

That would depend on what you have defined for check_disk on the remote host.
Let us see that, and maybe we can figure out why the error.

Exactly,You must fix percent or MB on the remote host in nrpe.cfg.
Hope you success