I have been asked to setup a new check to look at a log file on an application server and parse it for a key phrase. If the phrase is found, send an alert/notification. I am using the check_log plugin on Nagios 3.0.6 and it appears to be setup correctly, but it does not work when using check_nrpe to connect to the remote host.
I can run the check_log command successfully on the client from the command line and I can run it successfully on the Nagios server. The problem is when I run it from the Nagios server to the client (either through services.cfg or command line), I get an error from Nagios saying the log does not exist. I have logged into the client and can see the log plain as day. My setup is as follows:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H hostname -c check_log -a /apps/u01/oracle/product/bif/reports/logs/rep_prodorapp6_BIF_MT/rwserver.trc /var/tmp/rwserver.old Cached
Log check error: Log file /apps/u01/oracle/product/bif/reports/logs/rep_prodorapp6_BIF_MT/rwserver.trc does not exist!
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_log -F /apps/u01/oracle/product/bif/reports/logs/rep_prodorapp6_BIF_MT/rwserver.trc -O /var/tmp/rwserver.old -q Cached
Log check ok - 0 pattern matches found
Any help would be greatly appreciated.