This is probably a case of missing the obvious but i have tried everything i could think of and also what the nrpe.pdf doc suggests.
I am installing nrpe on centOS box using yum. The package installs without error.
Verion info: nagios-nrpe x86_64 2.12-1.el5.rf
I’ve added the check_nrpe command to /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
‘check_nrpe’ command definition
define command {
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
and the host IP address to nrpe.cfg
nrpe is configured to run as a daemon and shows as running:
ps auxw | grep nrpe
root 26257 0.0 0.0 61164 692 pts/3 S+ 13:43 0:00 grep nrpe
nagios 29589 0.0 0.0 39968 1084 ? Ss 13:18 0:00 nrpe -c /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d
nrpe is listening on the correct port:
netstat -at | grep nrpe
tcp 0 0 : LISTEN
The problem(s) arise when I run check_nrpe on the remote host.
Running without ssl yields
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H Remote IP address -n
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from daemon.
Running with ssl yields:
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H
CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
The only thing I haven’t tried is compiling from source using ./configure --enable-ssl. I assume yum will make the ssl option available on installation.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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