I currently have nagios 1.3 up and running on debian. I have multiple ping and http checks working. I also have NSClient201 installed on a few test Windows boxes.
I am glad to see the check works, but the date is not in a format I want to calculate in my head. Any ideas why “Date: %d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S %p” is not being taken? I built this command based on the documentation included with NSClient201, which states:
I’ve got nsclient working on a load of production boxes but just not for this command (I use load, diskpace and proc checks).
Have3 you tried it without the date formating - I get the following.
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt -H -v FILEAGE -l "c:\test.txt"
Date: 03/03/2005 7:56:09 AM
I believe I did try it without first, and then added the date formatting when it was just showing me the number. I guess I look for a newer version of check_nt if you have it working.
What I have it actually checking for is the age of the AV dat files. My supervisor seems to be obsessive about the virus dat files updating, and I figured he would like it if I could give him a web interface.
Duh. I keep forgetting the depth of these plugins. --version should have been my first step.
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt.orig --version
check_nt (nagios-plugins 1.4) 1.39
Well thats fun. Same version, different results.
./check_nt.nsclient201 --version
check_nt (nagios-plugins 1.3.1) 1.7
That came with the old NSClient_201 I downloaded. I swapped it in and now it works. It seems really strange to me to go back a version and have something work?
It works, I don’t care what version it is as long as it behaves. Thanks for your time.
It’s great to see so many other nagios nuts helping out with these problems. Good job redtom!!!
When I first got on this forum, there was only a couple of post’s here, with no replies at all.