Hi, I’m currently having trouble trying to get the check_udp nagios plug-in to get a response from openVPN.
I am using Nagios(3.0.6) and openVPN is set up listening on port 1194, but my problem is that check_udp requires both a sent / expect string.
This is the command i am using and the response i get:
check_udp -H localhost -p 1194 -s “openvpn” -e “ok” -v
Using service UDP
Port: 1194
flags: 0x2
Send string: openvpn
server_expect_count: 1
0: ok
CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
Basically i have spent 2 days trying to find out what string openVPN is waiting for so that it will give me a response to show that it is accepting connections on that port.
So if anyone can tell me what i need to put in -s " " -e " " i would be eternally grateful since google refuses to give me a solution.