We’re slowly working our way off of IPMonitor and moving to Nagios for our monitoring. So far things are going great, and we’re getting down to the point of just tweaking a few things. We have a general e-mail address for our IT team that I stuck in as the contact for notify-by-email. That’s fantastic, and working. I have one person on our IT team that wants notifications sent to his phone as text messages for some of the services we watch. I’ve defined a second contact and a second contact group in my contacts.cfg file, I’m just not quite positive how to use them. I assume when I’m defining the service itself, I can specify to send to both contact groups, but am just looking for some guidance on how that gets done. If anyone can point me towards the section I should be hunting through in the docs that would be great.
Poking through the Docs, I found the section that provided enlightenment. http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/objectdefinitions.html#service gave me all the different arguments I could plug into the device{} statement. In there I found contacts and contact_groups. I could have just put in the two contact addresses, but I used contact_groups instead since I’d added him to his own little group, so that was already in place. If I need to go back to it, I figure that will also help jog my memory on the ability to define different contact groups. As we grow, I might run into a situation where some people are responsible for some servers and others are responsible for others, so having the ability to separate out those notifications is useful. I solved my issue and just wanted to toss the solution out there for everyone.