I have service monitoring set up using the CHeck_NTUsedDiskSpace! (or something like that) and have an issue with the warning and critical thresholds. My point is, I don’t want warnings or critcial warnings, I would just like the size reported on the service page. I’ve set them to -w 0 and -c 0 and it seems to revert to a default. When removing the -m -c options, it still revets back to default – causing critical alerts and notifications.
What is in your commands.cfg file? (might be a differnt file on your system, i’m using ubuntu and nagios 3)
To troubleshoot I would go into my libexec-folder and try a “–help” on the script you are using.
Here is how I usually do it:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_supa_script.pl -H -r -p 99,99 -t disks
In my case to remove “-p 99,99” would not give warnings and critical.