Error: Could not read object configuration data!

I am fairly new to Linux and this is the first Nagios install I have done.

I used the directions that were included in the /docs directory to do the install and there were no errors at all. Nagios comes up in may browser but when I click on anything in the left side menu I get the error

. It says to verify the options with the -v switch which was part of the install and it returns no errors. The other suggestion is to check the nagios logs. Doing a whereis nagios.log returns /usr/local/nagios but there are no log files there.

Where are the logs located? And could this be a rights issue? I created the users and groups that were mentioned in the documentation and I can login with the admin user that I created. The files are mostly owner by nagios. The nagios.cfg file is owned by nagios:nagios and has 644 for rights.

Thanks for any insight you might be able to give.

the logs should be in /usr/local/nagios/var

while installing there’s one make command regarding the permissions of the files… check you did them all. :slight_smile:

I ended up deleting the VM and reinstalling a new OS and Nagios. It worked for awhile but there are other issues.