What do people think of the current options for graphing nagios data? So far I’ve tried Apan and perfparse
APAN - easy to set up but relies on custom plugins which are a bit of a pain.
Perfparse - Again pretty easy to get it going although only works for performance data not standard plugin data. I’m having trouble getting remote checks to work.
nagiosgraph + nagiosstat. Not yet tried - RRD is still installing from trying APAN so should be pretty simple to test…
I’ve found nagiostat good, since it can use both perf or standard plugin output.
Now I’m a graphing fool, and they have come in quite handy when triing to prove a point about a problem. i.e. “free_table_space” over the past 3 months is showing you are about to fill up your tables, and stuff like that.
Nagiosgraph now fully up and working. I’m getting into trouble as well spending too much time tweaking the graphs as well :(. It also can work from the std output or from perf data.