I’ve configured a whole bunch of host.cfg files for hosts that belong to a similar function, ie Unix.cfg is for all unix servers, NT.cfg for Windows servers. Within the cfg I can configure the parent dependancy that the host has.
The parent is another host.cfg, ie lanhost.cfg but instead of being able to reference the lanhost.cfg within Unix.cfg, I have to list out each host within the lanhost.cfg this being lanswitch1 and lanswitch2.
e.g. This works
define host {
host_name Unix1
alias Unix1.mynet
parents lanswitch1, lanswitch2
This doesn’t seem to work
define host{
host_name Unix1
alias Unix1.mynet
parents lanhost
It seems that this is duplication handling.
I have to define the hosts for the lanswitch.cfg and then redefine it again for the parent within Unix.cfg.
If any host is added or changed to lanswitch.cfg, I have to remember to update it in all locations that uses it as a parent reference rather than in just the one location, lanswitch.cfg.
It just seems odd to have to do it this way and I can’t find references to this in the manual.
Could someone clarify if I have done this the wrong way around and they have managed to have