How to change the home page

I’ve got a problem that’s so simple I’m having a hard time finding any info on it. I keep getting unrelated search answers.

Is there an easy way to make the home show the tactical overview (or any other page for that matter)? Or at the very least is there a way to create a link to my nagios server (like so it will go directly to the overview when I login?

Have you tried ?

Or also, if you really really want to do some hard-coding, you just have to modify the file nagios-dir/share/index.html:


Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Ethan A. Galstad

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Well, it’s not my site, so I did a combo of these two. Just setting my homepage to myserver/cgi-bin/tac.cgi didn’t display the sidebar. So I created a simple page on my own computer with my full url coded into the page and just bookmark it from my own hard drive. Thanks much!


Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Ethan A. Galstad

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