I don’t know how to monitor AIX server by NRPE or NSCA.And i can’t find any package for AIX.
Because i have 4 server run AIX 5.1 and 2 server run AIX 5.3.
I want to monitor AIX Server as Windows Server and Linux Server.
Please help me.
Thanks so much
Use check_snmp
Huh? That’s not very helpful Jakkedup. Are you sure you posted this in the right thread?
I don’t know how to monitor AIX server by NRPE or NSCA.And i can’t find any package for AIX. Because i have 4 server run AIX 5.1 and 2 server run AIX 5.3.[/quote]
If there aren’t any packages for NRPE → AIX, then you’ll need to get the source code and compile NRPE yourself. In the end that will produce only two files which can be easily distributed across your servers.
And the online documentation about NRPE should help you to understand how NRPE works. Please just be sure to read it all. If you don’t get it, come back with -specific- questions.
For now, stay as far away from SNMP as you can It’s not for the beginning Nagios user.
That sentence doesn’t make any sense You want to monitor an AIX box, as if it were running Winodws and Linux? Could you please restate your question?
My point was that you can monitor practically anything with check_snmp if you have an snmp enabled device. Sure there are other ways, but his question was kinda vague and so therefor, my answer was too.
I have some IBM server running AIX OS,I want monitor it by Nagios. I compiled NRPE for it.
But Nagios warning me " CHECK_NRPE: Cannot complete SSL handshake"
I don’t know what happen
I see
Hmm… you had no errors when compiling and installing, correct?
How do you start NRPE? Do you run it as a daemon, or through (:evil:inetd?
Sounds like you compiled nrpe to use ssl, but in fact, you aren’t using ssl on the daemon.
yes.don’t have error when i compile and install NRPE.
I start NRPE run as deamon.And listen on port 5666.
Please help me about that
Thanks for your help.
I checked in AIX with option none use SSL.
Now I want check CPU and Memory of UNIX Server ( Linux and AIX OS) ,but i can’t find plugin check CPU, memory.
U want use NRPE check something. Can you help me.
check_load is in the standard plugins package.