Make multiple websites dependent on a host


I’m trying to make multiple websites on a single server (host) dependent upon that server. My websites are listed as services which ‘inherit’ from a service template constructed specifically for the server in question. I’m wondering if it is possible to make the service template (which my website services are derived from) dependent upon the host server’s check_command, which in turn would make all the websites using that template dependent upon the host as well. For example:

My syntax is shorthand (at best) for conciseness…

define host{
host_name server
check_comm ping

define service{
name service-template
host_name server

define service{
use service-template
check_comm check_http!

define service{
use service-template
check_comm check_http!

…more websites on server…

Please let me know if that doesn’t make sense. Thanks in advance!