Below is the diff of the check-netapp that corrects the negative numbers with volumes over 2TB and which converts output to GB for readability. The complete text can be found at . The original check_netapp is by Ken Mckinlay with additional Nagios compatibility work by Ken Nerhood. My change is a relatively minor incremental one.
The result of the change can be seen in this output:
OLD/check_netapp -H x.x.x.x -C public -v DISKUSED -o /vol/vol_bpdimage/ -w 80 -c 90
DISKUSED OK - /vol/vol_bpdimage/ - total: 1090519040 Kb - used 589970728 Kb (54%) - free: 500548312 Kb|NetApp /vol/vol_bpdimage/ Used Space=589970728KB;872415232;981467136;0;1090519040
libexec/check_netapp -H x.x.x.x -C public -v DISKUSED -o /vol/vol_bpdimage/ -w 80 -c 90
DISKUSED OK - /vol/vol_bpdimage/ - total: 1040 Gb - used 562 Gb (54%) - free: 477 Gb|NetApp /vol/vol_bpdimage/ Used Space=562GB;832;936;0;1040
Note: I am calculating real GB using 1024*1024. If you want manufacturer’s GB then change the ‘1048576’ to ‘1000000’ in the diff below.
[nagios@lrdcsvcdsk1 libexec]$ diff check_netapp …/OLD/check_netapp
< # Updated by Charles Richmond -
< # 2008.09.11
< #
< # Modified to correct negative values for volumes larger than
< # 2TB and modified ‘sprintf’ output to be Gb instead of Kb
< #
< #############################################################
< #
< my $used = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesUsed}{$key};
< my $total = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesTotal}{$key};
< my $avail = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesAvail}{$key};
my $used = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesUsed}{$key}; my $total = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesTotal}{$key}; my $avail = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesAvail}{$key};
< $answer = sprintf(“%s - total: %d Gb - used %d Gb (%d%%) - free: %d Gb”,$volume,$total/1048576,$used/1048576,$percent,$avail/1048576);
< $perfdata = sprintf(“NetApp %s Used Space=%dGB;%d;%d;0;%d”,$volume,$used/1048576,$total/1048576*$warning/100,$total/1048576*$critical/100,$total/1048576);
$answer = sprintf("%s - total: %d Kb - used %d Kb (%d%%) - free: %d Kb",$volume,$total,$used,$percent,$avail); $perfdata = sprintf("NetApp %s Used Space=%dKB;%d;%d;0;%d",$volume,$used,$total*$warning/100,$total*$critical/100,$total);
< my $used = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesUsed}{$key};
< my $total = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesTotal}{$key};
< my $avail = abs $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesAvail}{$key};
my $used = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesUsed}{$key}; my $total = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesTotal}{$key}; my $avail = $snmpresponse{$snmpfilesysdfTabledfEntrydfKBytesAvail}{$key};
< $answer .= sprintf(“%s - total: %d Gb - used %d Gb (%d%%) - free: %d Gb\n”,$volume,$total/1048576,$used/1048576,$percent,$avail/1048576);
< $perfdata .= sprintf(“NetApp %s Used Space=%dGB;%d;%d;0;%d”,$volume,$used/1048576,$total/1048576*$warning/100,$total/1048576*$critical/100,$total/1048576);
$answer .= sprintf("%s - total: %d Kb - used %d Kb (%d%%) - free: %d Kb\n",$volume,$total,$used,$percent,$avail); $perfdata .= sprintf("NetApp %s Used Space=%dKB;%d;%d;0;%d",$volume,$used,$total*$warning/100,$total*$critical/100,$total);
[nagios@lrdcsvcdsk1 libexec]$