Monitoring vpn

well i have simply questions

my network have 2 isp with a vpn to the same place with http server and mails server
the i want to monitor the 2 vpns states (down/up)

what is the best way to do it ?

isn’t a ping to the other side enough?

but i cant know what is really the problem
i mean i can ping the http server, but when the host down
i dont know if the problem is the http server who was down or the vpn connection

do you understand what i mean ?
Edited Fri Nov 18 2005, 09:29AM ]

Your router should have utiliies to check the status of your vpn.

mmmmmmmm…i guess but im using nagios to monitor the vpn, and the router is locked by isp
so i cant do anything with the router

So you are attempting to monitor an ISP’s hardware? I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, but perhaps, the ISP could provide you with more info, or even a website that will display the staus of your VPN.

yes…i ask you coz maybe someone have any idea
thx anyway. . .
i will do it cheking https and mail server

If for example, your ISP does show the status of your VPN via a webpage, as some ISP’s will do, you can then use check_http to search the url for the online status text matching some --regex. So yes, it is possible with nagios, if your ISP has a url for you to look at. Other than that, I don’t think you will get much else from your ISP.

anyway you should havbe the IP address of the remote roputer so you could ping the remote router… if it works the VPN is up… then ping the server and check_http… i see no difference from a normal remote server…


In my config I check the router on the ISP side (aka ‘provider gateway IP’ or whatever), and the VPN router on our side to see if the problem is the ISP or us (respectively). Naturally if you cant hit the ISP IP you wont be able to hit the VPN router, but if you can hit the ISP and not the VPN you can be pretty sure that the VPN is down or having issues. Additionally you can set the ISP IP as the parent to the VPN router for the sake of not spamming notifacation messages or (as in our config) pages.

I hope this helps!