Multiline plugin output with Nagios 3.0rc1


I am using Nagios3.0rc1. And I am using check_by_ssh to rum a simple plugin on linux host to return multi-line output. When i run the command manually I can see multi-lihne output, however, on nagios home page it shows only the first line.

Has anyone worked it out yet? How do I see the multiline output in nagios home page(in service details page) under status Information tag?

Anyone ??

bad news for you:
nagios only take the first line of an output. That’s all

I don’t know of anything you could do to change that… maybe some other may help you.

For my part, i’d suggest that you should sum up your output and put it all in one line :slight_smile:

Thanks .

But I thought Nagios 3.0 supports multiline output.

Well; I haven’t tried 3.x yet; so maybe it supports it … sorry, I don’t know :slight_smile: (I will read again the changes, sometime)

:::Bump::: I’m using Nagios 3.0.2 and it does support multi line plugin output on the Service Detail page, but on the Tactical display page under the Status Information column, I am only getting the first line… Is there a way around this? If the first line of the plugin return text does not indicate a problem, but the fifth line does, it requires the person monitoring nagios to click to service detail each time. I suppose I could code the plugin so it always puts a problem on the first line…but still…

btw: this open source project has helped us so much. thanks!

i have the same problem. I cannot get multiline output on “service details” page under “status information” column. What should i do?

I am a newbie in nagios and i believe that i am missing a key point like changing a field or something like that. any help or suggestion is appreciated

[quote=“bugra.hasbek”]i have the same problem. I cannot get multiline output on “service details” page under “status information” column. What should i do?

I am a newbie in nagios and i believe that i am missing a key point like changing a field or something like that. any help or suggestion is appreciated[/quote]

Are you actually using version 3.0rc1? Why, if I may ask? 8)

Actually i use 3.0.6 version. i focused on multiline plugin output part, and missed version number. My bad…