Nagios 2 & extended host info: images don't show

Hi all!

I came across a little thing that does not work: I have defined custom images for some of my devices, but they don’t show up! I still get the :?: showing with all devices…

Is this something that just doesn’t work yet in Nagios 2.x, or can I fix it? :wink:

This is a snip from my hostextinfo.cfg file:

define  hostextinfo {
        host_name                       desktopEvert
        icon_image                      amiga.png
        vrml_image                      amiga.png
        statusmap_image                 amiga.gd2

Shouldn’t that show some Amiga-icon for desktopEvert?

define hostextinfo {
host_name ssp1
icon_image sun.gif
gd2_image sun.gd2
2d_coords 950,150

i have this and they show… possibly a problem wiuth the PNGs?


Found it… :wink:

The install-docs for NagiosQL instructed me to comment out #cfg_file=/etc/nagios/hostextinfo.cfg in nagios.cfg…
And that of course breaks the images… :-/

another happy user… :smiley:

Ciao, Luca

Well… Not 100% happy yet, but getting there… :wink: