Nagios 3.0.6 Released

Nagios 3.0.6 was just released and can be downloaded from:


This latest release includes a number of patches to the 3.x release line, including security-related fixes to the CGIs and processing of adaptive external commands (these have been disabled for the moment).
Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed patches. The full Changelog is found below. Enjoy!

3.0.6 - 12/01/2008

  • Fix for CGI submission of external commands (writing newlines and submitting service comments)
  • Fix for Apache group membership in RPM spec file
  • Fix for improper notification propagation command processing
  • Better out-of-disk-space error handling when writing retention and status files
  • Disabled adaptive check and eventhandler commands for security reasons
  • Fix for reading output from system commands (event handlers, etc) that have timed out
  • Added wildcard host matching in CGIs
  • Fixes for playing audio alerts in CGIs
  • Fix for incorrect host status links in status CGI when viewing hostgroup summary
  • Added support for x509 cert authentication in the CGIs
  • Ethan Galstad

Great! Small cosmetical issue: the Homepage still shows 3.0.5…

You sure? I see 3.0.6 everywhere…

Oops, sorry, must have been a caching-issue, it’s now 3.0.6! :frowning:

Perhaps Ethan monitors these forums and fixed it in the mean time? :wink: