Nagios 3.0 + SNMP handling: instructions?

Good evening,

I’m currently running Ubuntu 8.10 with a recent and rather straightforward Nagios 3.0 installation. I’ve set up all of my network hosts, services (37 hosts, 105 services) and set up notifications like I want. Now I’m facing my next challenge: SNMP trap handling. I’ve read a lot of information scattered across the web that the steps you’ll need to take to have Nagios handle SNMP traps. I understand I may (or definitely will) need the following:

SEC (?)

The problem is, the guides I’ve found have all been for different distributions, earlier versions of Nagios, etc. and I just want to make sure I’m going from the right source material before I screw up either my Nagios or Linux installations. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

Ultimately once I get Nagios set up to handle SNMP traps, I’ll be monitoring AKCP devices. But that’s getting ahead of myself.

Here, I have explained how to process traps to Nagios:

The only thing I would change is to convert submit_check_result script to #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh, because it made it impossible to write to nagios.cmd file in some scenarios. But that is to be tested on every system.