Nagios 3.1.0 has just been released and can be downloaded from:
This is the first development/testing branch of the Nagios 3.x code. It fixes a number of reported bugs that are present in 3.0.6 and includes a new feature that will check for new releases of Nagios. Once the 3.1.x release branch is tested enough to be considered stable, a stable 3.2.0 release will be made.
From here on out, ODD minor versions of Nagios releases (e.g. 3.1.x, 3.3,x) will be considered experimental/testing, while EVEN minor versions (e.g. 3.2.x, 3.4.x) will be considered stable.
Changes made since the 3.0.6 release are listed below:
3.1.0 - 01/25/2009
[list]]Added automatic update check functionality - runs once a day to check for new Nagios releases/:m]
]Splash screen on web UI now indicates whether a new update is available (requires that update checks are enabled)/:m]
]Updates to nagiostats utility for faster execution if using external stats file/:m]
]Added a bit more verbosity to config verification/:m]
]Fixed bug in logging event handlers/:m]
]Fix to prevent debug output from being shown when Nagios is compiled with embedded Perl interpreter/:m]
]Fix for CPU hogging issues on OpenBSD/:m]
]Fix to RPM spec file for sample configuration files/:m]
]Fix for bug in time calculation routines that could cause notification, reporting, and check scheduling anomalies/:m]
]Fix for scheduling forced service checks from web interface/:m]
]Minor mods for frameset base for HTML compliance (more fixes coming soon)/:m]
]Fix for bug in handling of hard host and service problem states during restarts that could incorrectly set current check attempt and adverse ly affect notifications, etc./:m]
]Fix for bug in timeperiod calculation of year/month rollovers and display of fixed calendar dates in web interface/:m][/list:u]
- Ethan Galstad