Nagios 3.1.0 Available

Nagios 3.1.0 has just been released and can be downloaded from:

This is the first development/testing branch of the Nagios 3.x code. It fixes a number of reported bugs that are present in 3.0.6 and includes a new feature that will check for new releases of Nagios. Once the 3.1.x release branch is tested enough to be considered stable, a stable 3.2.0 release will be made.

From here on out, ODD minor versions of Nagios releases (e.g. 3.1.x, 3.3,x) will be considered experimental/testing, while EVEN minor versions (e.g. 3.2.x, 3.4.x) will be considered stable.

Changes made since the 3.0.6 release are listed below:

3.1.0 - 01/25/2009

[list]]Added automatic update check functionality - runs once a day to check for new Nagios releases/:m]
]Splash screen on web UI now indicates whether a new update is available (requires that update checks are enabled)/:m]
]Updates to nagiostats utility for faster execution if using external stats file/:m]
]Added a bit more verbosity to config verification/:m]
]Fixed bug in logging event handlers/:m]
]Fix to prevent debug output from being shown when Nagios is compiled with embedded Perl interpreter/:m]
]Fix for CPU hogging issues on OpenBSD/:m]
]Fix to RPM spec file for sample configuration files/:m]
]Fix for bug in time calculation routines that could cause notification, reporting, and check scheduling anomalies/:m]
]Fix for scheduling forced service checks from web interface/:m]
]Minor mods for frameset base for HTML compliance (more fixes coming soon)/:m]
]Fix for bug in handling of hard host and service problem states during restarts that could incorrectly set current check attempt and adverse ly affect notifications, etc./:m]
]Fix for bug in timeperiod calculation of year/month rollovers and display of fixed calendar dates in web interface/:m][/list:u]


  • Ethan Galstad

Maybe just a bug, but I am no longer able to refresh a display screen such as Services, Hosts, etc., without it going back to the Home Page. Browser is Firefox 3.0.5/Windows, Nagios is running on RedHat EL5.3.


Disgin bug, when upgrading to 3.1.0 the home page is still showing 3.0.6.
However the sub page are showing 3.1

Rg Eddy

3.1.0 install index, main and side as php pages, while in 3.0.6 they are HTML pages. the old html pages re not deleted and probably have priority in your web server. rename the three HTML files to BAK and the version becomes correctly 3.1.0.

At the same time 3.1.0 reports a newer version available… 3.0.6 :slight_smile:

How do you install side and main as php pages? Is this an option when installing 3.1? Can the side.html and main.html be changed to side.php and main.php?

Are you installing or upgrading? the problem i described should only happen when upgrading.