Nagios and SAP CCMS Plugin

Good day all,

I am trying to display some of the information from the SAP CCMS using the plugin with little luck but i’m not sure if its actually possible to do what I want to do or not.

What i want to do is pull the currently logged on users to the system which I can manage to do.

I am using the following to pull the users:

MONI_SET_NAME=SAP CCMS Monitor Templates
MONI_NAME=Dialog Overview

Which works fine it displays the following output:
Dialog UsersLoggedIn = 1

If I check in RZ20 on my sap system and navigate to that point I get shown the following screen.

Please see attached screen shot:

The table at the bottom displays the currently logged on users as well as what client, current tcode and terminal etc. Is it possible to pull this info through to the Nagios interface or is it only able to pull through the number of logged on users?

Thanks In advance