Nagios Check_nt Useddiskspace

Hi !
Sorry for my english !!!
I used the check_nt with USEDDISKSPACE but i don’t understand the value of warning and critical. Kb? Mb? or Gb???

with percentual % work very ok !
not with an value (example -w 100 ) 100 ??? Mb? Kb?

help me please :?
Good Morning at all

From the source file .i.e.
it appears to be Gb.

ok ok this is correct.

from the test i have a solution…
USEDDISKSPACE of check_nt is only for percent disk space control, not for Mb of disk free.

For this i have used check_nt COUNTER after run “diskperf -y” on client (XP,2000). end checked “\LogicalDisk(E:)\Free Megabytes”.

Thank at all