Nagios Email Formatting

Can anyone tell me how to format the “Status Information” and “Performance Data” sections of the nagios email alert? I have alot of data being reported and it’s all being presented in on one line for both sections. These are passive alerts being sent by NSCA. Here’s an example alert being generated:

Service State Information
Current Status: CRITICAL (for 3d 6h 18m 48s)
Status Information: eid.admin.log.watchdog(P3): [2010-01-27 16:20:03.955032 -0500] err eid=eid.admin.log.watchdog process=“mysqld” status="slave replication failed … =EMAIL_SEC"
Performance Data: System watchdog alert
System Watchdog Alert
Instance: m0001019 ( m0001019.blah-10000_instance1 )
MAC Address: 00:30:00:00:4D:E2
Category: log
Runbook: … oryID=3&En
Current Attempt: 1/1 (HARD state)
Last Check Time: 01-27-2010 21:26:01
Check Type: PASSIVE
Check Latency / Duration: N/A / 0.000 seconds
Next Scheduled Check: N/A
Last State Change: 01-24-2010 15:26:01
Last Notification: 01-27-2010 21:26:02 (notification 4)
Is This Service Flapping? N/A
In Scheduled Downtime? NO
Last Update: 01-27-2010 21:44:42 ( 0d 0h 0m 7s ago)

for “Performance Data” section, i’d like to have the format carriage return where i currently have
placing this data on separate lines. For “Status Information”, I also want to have carriage returns. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
