Hi all, i have a problem with the plugin nrpe installed in a UNIXWARE machine. I have installed Nagios Version 2.0b1, and nagiosplug 1.4 release version. I have compiled the pluggins in the unixware machine and it´s all OK, when I execute the check_disk in local mode it´s OK .
unixware001:/opt/nagios/libexec# ./check_disk_uw /dev/root
DISK OK - free space: / 571 MB (44%);| /=713MB;1284;1284;0;1284
But when the pluggin is called from the nagios server (red-hat 9 ) with the pluggin nrpe this is the message:
linuxtrf:/opt/nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H -c check_disk
CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes. Are we allowed to connect to the host?
I have configured the services and tcpwrappers for guarantee the access from nagios-server to unixware-client
The check_disk_uw was compiled in unixware machine and it don´t works in the linux machine. How i could do it work?
Any idea?
excuse me my bad english