After i setted up parent-child relationship between some hosts, sometimes nagios shutting down no reason.
When i start it again, it starts normally, but stopping after 1minute. And if i disable all child hosts, it stays to work. After that i can enable the child hosts too and nagios works again perfectly.
It will happen not very often, but maybe once or twice a week.
Log says nothing.
For now it works well and right now no problems with that. But it was really strange for me.
Nov 27 09:26:29 info nagios: Finished daemonizing… (New PID=15469)
Nov 27 09:26:34 info nagios: Successfully shutdown… (PID=15469)
Still same problem.
Have parents-childs. If whole segment is going down, nagios send about parent notification, as it have to do. But after that nagios shutting down. Logs shows just :
1235826931] Caught SIGSEGV, shutting down…
[1235982773] Nagios 3.0a4 starting… (PID=1022)
Edit. Nagios shutting down, when segment is online again and it should send the notification out.