I compiled Nagios 3.0.4 on a Solaris 10 system using the following configure string:
./configure --prefix=/space/nagios --with-gd-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-gd-inc=/usr/local/include --with-nagios-user=na
gios --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-temp-dir=/space/nagios/tmp --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d --with-lockfile=/space/nagio
s/var/nagios.lock --with-cgiurl=/nagios/cgi-bin --with-htmurl=/nagios --with-httpd-conf=/var/apache/conf --enable-embedded
-perl --with-mail=/usr/bin/mailx
I have my Nagios configuration files setup and they are working properly as the command: **nagios -v …/etc/nagios.cfg **returns no errors.
If I run the /etc/init.d/nagios script, it will return an exit status of zero stating that it ran successfully, however, there are no nagios processes running. I tried adding my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH strings from my profile to the top of the Nagios start/stop script and it still will not work. The only way I can currently start nagios is by issuing the command: nohup /space/nagios/bin/nagios /space/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg &
By issuing that command, I can see the monitoring in the web interface and can select on the various sections within the interface, etc. with no problems.
I would like to know why the script will not work from /etc/init.d when I execute it manually. When I do attempt to start Nagios using the start/stop script, the following message is written to the nagios.log file.
Lockfile ‘/space/nagios/var/nagios.log’ does not contain a valid PID ([122535000)[/b]