Installed nagios on CentOS 5.5 as per the instructions in this page docs.cslabs.clarkson.edu/wiki/In … n_CentOS_5. I did it twice on separate VMs. Once with setting proirities plugin as is recommended and once without
When running nagios -v on config file:
Reading configuration data...
Read main config file okay...
Processing object config file '/etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg'...
Processing object config file '/etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg'...
Processing object config file '/etc/nagios/objects/timeperiods.cfg'...
Processing object config file '/etc/nagios/objects/templates.cfg'...
Processing object config file '/etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg'...
Read object config files okay...[/code]
[code]Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 0
Things look okay - No serious problems were detected during the pre-flight check
when trying to start nagios I get,
[root ~]# service nagios start
nagios is stopped
Configuration validation failed [FAILED]
nagios log file does not exist at all (must have not even been started).
When attempting to run from shell “nagios -d /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg” it seems to run fine:
[root@localhost ~]# ps aux | grep nagios
nagios 5302 0.0 0.1 17352 1848 ? Ssl Sep25 0:12 nagios -d /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
But web interface still gives me errors it cant find config file.
What’s next?